Our services

Win the war against hackers and rest easy.

leet career

Path To Security Zen

Comprehensive Security Assessment

Identify all weaknesses relevant to hackers


Continuously identify and remediate weaknesses

Penetration Test

Determine if an attacker can gain access to your most important assets

Red Team

Test your staff & incident responders

Purple Team Test

Test your ability to detect key malicious activities

Questions to think about when determing which service is right for you:

End Users

Am I exposed?

Am I prepared?

How do I improve my capabilities?

How do I extend my capabilities?


Am I over exposed to hackers, cyber criminals, espionage?

How do I compare to my peers?

Are capex & opex appropriate?

Do I hear corroborating stories on our risk profile?


Do I have the right people for the job?

Do I have my people in the right seats?

Do I have enough budget?

Do I have the right vendors?

Do I have the right technology?